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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Grasshopper Weaving Workshop

This workshop is organised under SPDP for 40 students of Singapore Polytechnic on Tuesday, 13th February 2007 from 10am to 12pm.

We will be student instructors, teaching them how to weave a grasshopper, snake and kuay-tupat. Thus, there will be a training session for all instructors on Monday, 12th February 2007(noon; time will be confirmed at a later date.)

* The main objectives of this event are:

- To allow the students to have fun learning a new skill.
- To give the current members opportunities to know more SP students.
- To train the current members in their teaching skills.

If you are interested to join in, please feel free to contact Rachel at 82680254/ thru e-maiL:

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